You don’t need another productivity hack, you need courage

Dolly Garland
3 min readJan 1, 2024

How to have a successful 2024

Photo by Cristi Ursea on Unsplash

If you’ve been around the sun for a while and have an achiever mindset, you’ve likely already read a bunch of productivity books and blogs, tried different things, and crammed all you can into your life. I know I have.

In the last two decades, I’ve read nearly every worthy (and some unworthy) productivity book, followed blogs, YouTube and IG. I’ve tried different systems and tools from GTD and Trello to Bullet Journal and everything in-between. These things have their place, and many were certainly useful. I learned a lot about productivity and about myself.

But there comes a time when you know all you need to know about the tools and the systems. When that one more book or one more goal-setting template isn’t going to provide the magic answer.

I’m not talking about people who just read but don’t do…that’s a different issue.

I’m talking about those of us who do a lot, but we’re always wondering if we are making the best use of our time, if we’re efficient enough, if we have the perfect system sorted, if we can change something and then it will all fall into place. If…if…if…

If this resonates with you, I invite you to try a new experiment with me as we head into 2024.



Dolly Garland

I write to connect the dots for myself and hope it helps others. An eternal optimist. Founder of Kaizen Journaling.